Risolto: Cambiare MAC address macbook unibody snow leopard

Sebbene la procedura per cambiare il MAC address della scheda AirPort sia presente su un numero elevatissimo di siti, questa non risulta funzionante per numerosi macbook (pro e non) prodotti nel 2010.

Riporto qui la variante corretta che risulta funzionante anche sui macbook 2010.
0. Aprire il terminale
1. Controllare il MAC address digitando il comando:
ifconfig en1 | grep ether
2. Mantenere la scheda Airport accesa, ma disconnessa da qualunque network wifi (cliccare l'icona Airport, “Accedi ad un'altro Network,” inserire un nome a caso, e premere "cancella" mentre avviene la ricerca del network fasullo).
4. Digitare sul terminale :
sudo /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -z

5. Ancora nel terminale, modificare il MAC address con un comando del tipo:
sudo ifconfig en1 ether  00:00:00:00:00:00
(00:00... va modificato con il MAC address che volete)
6. Verificare che il nuovo MAC address sia stato correttamente inserito:
ifconfig en1 | grep ether

Il punto 4 è quello che manca su molte guide ma che rende funzionante la procedura.
A volte è necessario riprovare più volte la procedura (non va sempre a segno).

Home made, do-it-yourself: ipod touch 2g microphone

Who knows deeper Apple devices' know that the big lack of iPod Touch 2G is microphone.

The ability to use the device as a VoIP phone through the free apps as "Fring" or "Skype" is certainly a tempting idea, but it's just hampered by the absence of the microphone.

The solutions are already on the market: Apple offers the headsets with mic. to € 29.00 and Griffin offers the $ 19.99 SmartTalk.

Well, I propose the ... the ... momo-microphone (I invented the name rigth now).
Having a cemetery of an electrical fault, its cost is about € 1.00.
Suitable, isn't it?

Since I had searched for a long time in vain for such a solution, and that many others can benefit, I explain how I did it (I will not go into too much detail, if anyone wants clarification please contact me).

Thanks to the video on youtube of a certain "hermanwahsletn" I found out what the wiring diagram of the jack is:

I went to buy a 4-pin jack (0.80 €) and with a little trial and welding, I hooked up a microphone capsule exhumed from the cemetery of electronic components:

The result was great!
Inserted into the headset jack on the Touch, I registered for a few seconds with the apps "iTalk" of Griffintechnology and the quality is excellent!
You can connect the other contacts of the 4-pin jack to your stereo headphones.

Because I had an old headset for cell phones I decided to reuse it by connecting its wires to the 4-pin jack.

I checked with a multimeter which wires went to the microphone and what the cap and I challenged the welder.

a bit 'of photos of various stages:

The audio quality is excellent, the construction was very simple (2 days).
The test with the operation of Nimbuzz Skype was positive!